Enjoy a unique viewing experience via Zoom and courtesy of Arlington County 55+ Virtual Programs. Forty+, performers past the age of 40, presents a varied repertoire drawn from a concert at Theatre on the Run, in a work combining dancers of different generations, and in a dance created especially for the camera.
Kelsey Rohr’s You and Me, previously presented in November 2019, features Forty+ in a groovy piece reminding us to have fun and let go. Barry White’s sultry voice carries the dancers from one movement to another and makes you (and me) smile.
Find stories of coming of age in Shorthanded, an “immediately compelling” (Dance Metro DC) work. Reminisce with an inter-generational cast and revisit objects tied to life landmarks; the at-the-time impact of cassette tape, VHS, paper dolls, IBM 3033, Shorthand notation and other blips on the relentless march of cultural change. Enjoy a gentle and warmhearted look at how technology can help preserve memory.
Emily Crew’s Hoopla is inspired by circles, the space that can be contained and controlled within the circle while responding to the boundaries at the edge. This dance for camera was created with footage from each of the dancers home locations, outdoors and inside. Relax and smile in an energetic celebration created through virtual connections.
Wednesday August 19, 2020
1:00 pm
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