Performances for Children
Celebrate a birthday or special occasion – in-person or online! Performances and art activities are provided for an event tailored to your needs.
For PTA or Activity Program Directors: programs may be presented as in-school performances, for libraries, or as active participation workshops. Read More
After School Clubs
Increase physical skills through practice that explores cooperative interaction.
Learn and have fun with hip hop and dance from freestyle improvised routines to fundamental steps and creative movements. 2024-25 Partners: Carlin Springs Elementary, Jefferson Houston PreK-8 PTA, and at Charles Houston and Douglas MacArthur Recreation Centers. ( supported, in part,
by an Arts Enrichment Program for Youth grant from the City of Alexandria.)

A residency covers a few days or several weeks and is designed for each school community. Past residencies include Barcroft Elementary Intersessions and Any Given Child, Harrisonburg.

Arts Integration for Teachers
Fundamental movement elements and developmental theory provide a basis to encourage exploration, cooperative interaction and critical thinking. Professional development workshops can be crafted for a specific subject area.